1,500,000 players
After the first year, we expect to have 1,500,000 players. We expect an average customer churn of 18%.
218,000 transactions
In year 1 we expect player purchases for an average of €3. This means that 5-15% of the customer base (depending on whether it is one or more people who buy several options) has bought one or more of our options.
Positive cash flow in 12 months
Excluding pre-launch costs, we expect to have a monthly positive operating cash flow after 12 months from the start. We have budgeted to break even after 24-30 months.
Within three years be one of the ten largest global mobile strategy games with good profitability.
Giving back 2%
2% of sales will go directly to selected NGO projects. Players contribution to come.
We will be a respected platform that helps selected NGO projects reach a wide audience for donations. Within ten years we aim to be one of the biggest contributors to important NGO projects through player donations and contributions from BioSquare.